10 Amazing ways to use Tea tree oil for toenail fungus

How to Make Tea tree oil foot soak at Home ?

Yet another way in which we can use tea tree oil for healing toenail fungus is in the form of a foot soak that is made with tea tree oil alone or with tea tree oil mixed with other substances to be added in the foot soak. Here are five such foot soaks made with tea tree oil which are pretty simple to make at home.

A tea tree oil foot soak

A foot soak that is made just with tea tree oil and warm water can show all of the oils benefits for toenail fungus and it is simple to make too, in the following steps.

  • Take warm water in a foot tub and add a few teaspoons of tea tree oil to it.
  • Soak your feet in this for about a half an hour.
  • Remove your feet and gently brush the area with toenail fungus.
  • Apply a moisturizer or the medicinal ointment.

Tea tree oil + apple cider vinegar foot soak

Apple cider  vinegar is popularly used as a foot soak for many infections, toenail fungus being one of them.  Adding it to tea tree oil foot soak can be great for the condition.

  • Take warm water into a foot tub.
  • Add tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar not exceeding a few tea spoons to it and see that it dissolves in the water.
  • Soak your feet in this water and remove them in about a half an hour.

Tea tree oil + oregano oil foot soak

Oregano oil is a popularly used anti-fungal oil and hence works really well against toenail fungus as well. Adding it to the tea tree oil foot soak can have great benefits on the condition.

  • Take some warm water into a foot tub and add equal proportions of tea tree oil and oregano oil.
  • Mix it up well and soak your feet in it for half an hour.
  • Remove them from the tub and after wiping it dry, use a moisturizer.
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