10 Amazing ways to use Tea tree oil for toenail fungus

Tea tree oil + lemon juice foot soak

Lemon juice, along with being anti-microbial is also anti oxidant in nature. It therefore helps in not only treating the fungal infection but also in healing the skin post the treatment.

  • Make a warm water foot soak and add some lemon juice to it.
  • After it dissolves, add some tea tree oil (about two to three teaspoons) and see to it that it is well blended into the soak.
  • Dip your feet in it and soak them for about a half an hour.
  • Remove it and moisturize the affected area.

Tea tree oil + Listerine

Listerine mouthwash is also known for its antifungal properties and is often used in foot soaks for relief from toenail fungus. Here’s how you make a tea tree oil and Listerine face wash.

  • Make a warm water foot soak and add Listerine to it.
  • After it dissolves, add tea tree oil of two teaspoons.
  • Mix it well with water and soak your feet in this for a half an hour.
  • Remove the feet and wipe them gently before you moisturize.

Before and After using tea tree oil for toenail fungus

There have been some testimonies of remarkable changes when tea tree oil was used for toenail fungus. Upon using tea tree oil regularly, the changes can be as evident as above. You should, however also use the prescribed medication if your dermatologist suggests you to.

It is better to use tea tree oil in a diluted form if you are apprehensive about the side effects it could cause especially if you have a dry skin. Also, a patch test is recommended just to make sure you’re not allergic to it. So go on and give these DIY remedies a try and share your experiences with us.

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