10 Best Essential Oils for Toenail fungus Remedies

Toenail fungus is a type of infection that occurs in the cracks of your nails.

It changes the color of your toenail and makes it thicker.

It hurts a lot if you don’t treat it on time and with right remedy.

Usually, toes are warm and damp which lets the fungus grow there easily.

Different types of fungi and yeast sometimes affect different parts of your nail.

If it’s left untreated, then the infection could spread to your other toenails, or even in your skin.

In this article, you will get to learn how to use essential oils for toenail fungus home remedies.

What is Toenail Fungus?

When you get nail fungus, discoloration of the nails takes place which is usually of whitish-yellowish or brownish color.

The nails get brittle, becomes thicker and change color and shape.

Toenail fungus can cause a lot of pain, and the affected nail gets detached from the nail bed.

The big toenails usually get affected by nail fungus.

In the majority of the cases, fungus occurs at the front or side edge of the toenail.


  • You may observe the infected toenail is thicker than usual and changes in color and shape.
  • The nails can easily get broken. Nails with fungus gets yellow.
  • Sometimes you might notice a white dot which pops up on the nail and gradually gets more prominent.
  • When fungus develops under your nail, it can even separate the nail from the bed and spread on your skin.
  • In some cases, it does not hurt at all your nail looks thick and yellowish.

10 Essential Oils for Toenail Fungus:

Let’s discover some of the best essential oils in treating the fungus of your toenail.

1. Oregano Oil

You will be amazed to know about this magical oil which works perfectly in treating your toenail fungus.

Oregano essential oil is well renowned for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

According to a research, oregano oil has been used for thousands of years to cure various medical conditions such as skin infections, bacterial infections, and fungal growth.

The oil comes from Greek or Mediterranean oregano has a significant amount of thymol which is proved to be a practical solution for treating harmful fungus.

The oregano oil works effectively on infections like nail fungus, candida, yeast and athlete’s foot.

You can apply the oil topically but make sure that it is diluted. High concentrations of oregano oil may cause skin reactions.

So, now you don’t have to rush to the doctor for your toenail fungus as you can treat at home naturally.

How to use oregano oil for toe fungus :

  • You can apply oregano oil around three to four drops directly on your affected toenails every day either by massaging or scrubbing with a soft brush.
  • If your skin is sensitive, then you should combine the oregano oil with few drops of coconut oil to avoid any allergic reaction.
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