10 Best Essential Oils for Toenail fungus Remedies

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is one of the fast and straightforward home remedies for removing fungus from your toenails.

It has powerful fungicidal properties which work well against toenail fungus.

You can apply tea tree oil on the infected area of your toe and allow it soak for ten minutes at least.

If you are applying tea tree oil directly on your skin, then you must mix with an equal portion of carrier oil, for example, almond oil or olive oil.

You can continue using this essential oil once a day for around three weeks or until it gets cured completely.

Here’s how to use tea tree oil for toenail fungus:

  • You can combine tea tree oil with a carrier oil to dilute it yet not losing its essence.
  • You can apply the tea tree oil directly on your affected nails.
  • You can use a brush to scrub your nails as it will enable the oil to get absorbed in your toenail and reach where the fungus is growing.
  • For better results, apply it at least two times every day.
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