10 Best Weight Loss Snacks

6. Dark chocolate

Believe it or not, chocolate is one of the best weight loss foods.

When you can’t stop thinking about something sweet, it’s difficult to say no to some chocolate.

But, be careful what kind of chocolate you choose.

One bar of good quality dark chocolate is a bittersweet snack with less than 100 calories and it has many health benefits for you.

Dark chocolate can help you lower your blood pressure, it protects from heart diseases, a stroke, it improves your mental ability, it helps with chronic fatigue, and it even boosts your libido.

7. Almond

This is a super food and a favorite of many people.

Almonds contain a big amount of saturated fats known as ‘healthy fats’ which can help you lose weight if you eat them moderately.

This snack also contains fiber, magnesium, proteins, potassium, copper, and vitamin E which helps your skin stay soft.

One big advantage here is that you can put almonds in your bag and you can always have a healthy snack wherever you go.

14 almonds contain about 100 calories.

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