7. Overusing painkillers
Although anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin or ibuprofen are safe in moderation, regular overuse of them can result in kidney damage and even total kidney failure. This may happen because over-the-counter analgesics decrease the blood flow to your kidneys and worsen their functioning, especially if you already have kidney disease.
So even if you suffer from severe pain, don’t forget that painkillers should only be taken for a short period of time and at the lowest dose possible.
6. Not drinking enough water
Staying hydrated helps your kidneys produce urine to remove sodium and toxins from your body. If you don’t drink enough water on a regular basis, it may cause serious health problems, including painful kidney stones.
For most people, 1.5-2 liters of water a day is enough to keep their kidneys healthy. And don’t forget that other drinks won’t do, it’s only pure water that counts.
How can you know that you’re drinking exactly what you need? Your pee should be light yellow, any darker color might be a possible sign of kidney damage.