Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a great remedy for oral problems and works wonders for receding gums. When mixed with baking soda, ti can defeat all bacteria in your mouth and reduce the inflammation in your gums. Just mix 2 tablespoons of both ingredients, then lightly brush your teeth with it. You should expect improvements in about 2-3 weeks.
Cranberry Juice
Cranberries are full of vitamin C and are highly effective for periodontal diseases. According to studies, low vitamin C levels have been linked to periodontal disease, so getting more of this great vitamin makes perfect sense to protect your oral health. Drinking cranberry juice every day will give your body all the vitamin C it needs – if your levels are still too low, add some citrus fruits in your diet.
Myrrh Mix
Myrrh is a long-lost remedy for any oral problem, especially for sore and receding gums. Just put about 10 drops of myrrh oil in a glass of oil, then rinse your mouth with the mixture every morning. You’ll feel much better soon.