3. Consume adaptogenic herbs.
Adaptogenic herbs can help bring your body’s hormones into balance and protect them from a wide variety of diseases, including those caused by excessive stress. Among adaptogens, you should know and consume the following ones:
- Vitex (or chaste tree) will lengthen your luteal phase, raise the levels of progesterone, and nourish your hypophysis, the gland that controls your other hormone glands.
- Red raspberry contains tannins that will relax the muscles in your body, soothe stomach pain, and reduce other manifestations of stress. It will also relieve PMS and cramping.
- Holy basil, or tulsi, will help you get rid of anxiety and emotional stress by balancing your levels of cortisol.
- Shatavari will be helpful in relieving menopausal hot flashes and PMS symptoms associated with irritability and mood swings.
- Ashwagandha will support your thyroid and prevent adrenaline, cortisol, and progesterone imbalances caused by emotional, physical, or mental stress.