Consuming Fermented Foods
Japanese women often consume fermented foods such as kombucha, kefir, tempeh, miso, and kimchi. Fermented foods are those which have gone through lacto fermentation, a process through which natural bacteria feed on sugar and starch in food and create lactic acid. Fermentation helps preserve natural food nutrients and created beneficial enzymes, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and other probiotics. It also breaks down food into a more digestible form which helps in weight loss.
Unlike people from most parts of the world, Japanese people prefer seafood to red meat which is known to cause various health problems like obesity, inflammatory diseases, and high cholesterol. Since Japan is surrounded by a seafood-rich sea, things like tuna, salmon, shrimp, and mackerel are extremely popular.
Fish is great for you because it’s rich in proteins and omega-3 fatty acids which help reduce body fat.