Eating small portions
Portion control is a large part of Japanese cuisine. The Japanese eat smaller portions of food than most other cultures. At mealtimes, Japanese people usually spread their food out in multiple dishes that take up the entire table. Plates and rice bowls are also smaller compared to other cultures. This makes the food seem more as well as makes it take longer to eat. Japanese people also use chopsticks instead of spoons which slow down the speed at which they eat. Eating slowly helps them eat less thereby keeping their weight in check.
The most basic form of exercise is walking. Walking is super easy yet very few people, especially in America, walk enough. The Japanese cities and transport systems are structured in such a way that people are more encouraged to walk than take cars. In the cities, trains are the primary means of transport which means people have to walk to the train station and back. Apart from walking, Japanese women love their bicycles with many even using them as their primary means of transport. Having a good walk daily or riding a bike daily boosts energy, improves cardiovascular health, and helps people stay slim.