10 Things The Lines In Your Face Say About Your Health


Experts at Yale University found out that women between the ages of 40 to 50 may also manifest deeper facial wrinkles if they have lower bone density. The skin and the bones need nourishment from collagen proteins; these may decrease in production as a person grows older. Aside from aging, lifestyle habits may also trigger reduced collagen production in the body.

So, the worse the facial wrinkles get, the more it might indicate lower bone density. The experts say that the condition of the skin on the face will be a good reflection of the skeleton’s quality. Thus, many doctors can actually identify if a person is at risk for fracture just by looking at the condition of the skin on your face.


If you have wrinkles that look like crepes around your left cheek, you need to get tested for skin cancer. According to dermatologists, this side of the face is more exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet rays when you’re driving. Therefore, it’s at greater risk for sun damage.

The biggest indicator of sun damage is actually sunspots on the skin. If you don’t have this, however, it still doesn’t mean that your skin isn’t damaged. Take notice of your cheek’s left side; visit a dermatologist as soon as possible if you see unusual wrinkling.

In some cases, rough patches on your cheeks may also indicate lung issues. Are you having problems breathing or do you easily get out of breath when exercising? You’ll notice the skin on your cheeks getting aggravated each time this happens.

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