We all have some bedtime habits, some of them are good for our health but some of them are not so much.
Note: you should avoid these bedtime habits, especially if you can’t sleep good:
1. You shouldn’t drink water before you go to bed, because if you drink too much water before you go to sleep, you will have to wake up 2-3 times to go to bathroom – in the middle of the night.
2. Don’t take a nap in the middle of the day – every day. Make sure you have a good sleeping routine and you should try to go to sleep at the same time (every day), so your brain will be ready to “shut down” and you can fall asleep much faster.
3. You should keep your electronic devices away before you sleep. You shouldn’t use your laptop or smartphone at least one hour before you got so sleep, because the brightness from your laptop will alert your brain and you can’t fall asleep immediately. So, make sure you don’t use your laptop at least 1 hour before you go to sleep or at least adjust the brightness.
4. You should also know that if you have a habit of reading a book before you go to sleep, then we highly recommend that you should avoid it. You can read your book a little earlier. Note: you should never bring your book to bed.
5. You should avoid buying alarm clock that has bright numbers. It’s because the light from the screen will disturb you sleep and you can’t fall asleep. You can choose alarm clock having dimmer numbers.