12 Habits of Girls Who Are Always Skinny

4. They Weigh Themselves Weekly

While checking in with the scale daily might be tempting, it’s better to do it weekly since your weight fluctuates daily. If you see yourself starting to gain weight over the course of weeks, adjust your diet and exercise appropriately.

5. They Pass on the Supersize

Prioritize your health over getting a bargain. Just say no to those family-sized potato chips or large, wallet-friendly meals when eating out (you shouldn’t be eating out too much anyway!

6. They Eat Until They’re No Longer Hungry

Learning to recognize when you’re no longer hungry is an important habit to develop. This is especially hard for people who have a sweet tooth and crave sugar after a meal. Just think to yourself “I’ll have a dessert in 1 hour”. By the time 1 hour comes, you probably won’t be hungry anyway.

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