15 Beauty Benefits Of Baking Soda you Must Know!

9. Baking Soda For Whitening Teeth

You Will Need

  • 1/2 tsp Baking Soda
  • A few drops of Water

Prep Time

2 minutes

Treatment Time

2 minutes


  1. Mix the baking soda with a few drops of water until you get a thick paste.
  2. Scoop the mixture up with your toothbrush and start brushing your teeth.
  3. Do not brush your teeth sideways as this can be abrasive. Instead, gently brush it up using up and down and circular motions.
  4. Rinse the toothbrush and your mouth.

How Often?

Every other day for a week. Twice a week after that.

Why This Works

Baking soda is a mild abrasive which helps remove the stains from the surface of your teeth, making them appear to be whiter.

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