2. Turn off traction control when necessary.
Traction control is great in most conditions but if you’re at a dead stop and stuck in snow it is your enemy. Turn the traction control off temporarily while you get moving. Watch the video at the end of this section.
3. Be prepared for black ice.
Black ice can form in two ways: when there is a very light rain and the temperature drops quickly to freezing or when the temperature is just below freezing and the sun melts snow on the road then freezes when the sun goes down. In both cases, pavement that was wet but clear suddenly develops a layer of transparent ice. When you hit a patch of black ice with one tire while the other still has traction, you can be sent into a spin. Drive under control for the conditions.
4. Never pass a snowplow.
If you get stuck behind a snowplow, be patient and stay there. There’s no advantage to passing and, given that they are pushing snow out of the way, it can be very dangerous.
5. Rock, don’t spin.
If you get stuck in snow, don’t spin your wheels. Doing so will create an ice slick beneath your tires and make it impossible to get out. Press the gas then remove your foot. Repeat a few times until you get a rocking motion going with your car and then enough momentum to move forward.