A cyst in one’s breast may feel like a lump, but it could actually be a small and usually harmless sac residing in your breast tissue, which is actually filled with fluid rather than cancerous or noncancerous cells .
They can be found in one or both breasts and can also present with signs and symptoms such as:
- Breast tenderness or pain in the region of the breast cyst.
- Nipple discharge that could be clear, straw colored or even dark brown.
- A lump that is smooth and easily moveable with distinct boundaries or edges (signifying a benign nature).
- Changes in breast tenderness and size of the lump with your menstrual cycle .
Simple breast cysts that are fluid-filled are usually confirmed on ultrasound and rarely require any treatment. If your symptoms are severe, your doctor may prescribe birth control or hormonal therapy. Surgery is recommended in rare cases.