6 Simple Exercises Fight Bloating, Improve Digestion, And Cut Belly Fat

When the holidays arrive, people are always happy and look forward to eating lots of food. The holidays are also an excuse to create wonderful dishes that are only saved for special occasions.

All the delicious foods, desserts, treats are present almost everywhere. People tend to overeat and feel bad afterward.


The feeling of a bloated stomach is one of the worst ones. You just want to lie down and don’t do anything. Actually, that’s very bad, because the fat just gathers everywhere, especially around your stomach! Here, we have 6 exercises that will help you alleviate bloating and enjoy your family time a little longer!


Start by lying on your back with your legs and arms extended. Inhale and bring your knees up slowly to your chest and clasp your hands around them. Put your forearms over your shins and hold yourself at the elbows. Keep your back on the floor, your shoulder blades flat on the floor, and try to pull your tailbone to the floor. Hold for 1 minute while you’re breathing slowly the whole time.

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