Fluid retention is the accumulation of water in the tissues which is a result of an imbalance in the liquid levels in the body. Our body is a complex system of hormones that constantly tweak the levels of liquids in order to keep them stable. This is why drinking more than the recommended amount of water doesn’t cause any problems – the excess is eliminated by the kidneys in the form of urine or sweat.
In order to prevent fluid retention, you should avoid doing the following 6 things that are probably causing it:
Consuming too much sodium
- Sodium is present in almost any food we eat, but by consuming too much of it and not drinking enough water it may result in fluid retention.
Processed foods
- Processed foods contain a lot of sugar and sodium, two substances that are considered as the main causes of edema.
- Not drinking plenty of water during the day will result in dehydration.
- Dehydration will make the body retain water in order to survive which can lead to swelling in the tissues.