8 Foods That Can Lower Uric Acid

Fortunately, there are foods and drinks that can help you lower the levels of uric acid in the body, and these are the best ones:

Cherries: They are rich in anthocyanins, that lower the uric acid levels and prevent the formation of uric acid crystals.

Water: The consumption of water lowers the levels of uric acid and detoxifies the body.

Berries: Berries are powerful anti-inflammatory foods, and prevent such complications.

Squash: It easily eliminates uric acid from our body.

Apples: Apples cleanse the body and decrease excess uric acid levels.

Onions: To lower uric acid levels in the body, peel two onions, boil them, add some lemon juice, and drink the remedy daily.

Artichokes: They are full of nutrients and have powerful diuretic properties, that lower the production of uric acid and prevent its accumulation.

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