80% Of Heart Attacks Could Be Avoided If Everyone Did These 5 Easy Things

This approach has led to the rising trend of obesity and heart disease rates.

Heart-Healthy Diet Regime

In order to prevent heart diseases, your diet should trans fats, so avoid all kinds of processed foods. Moreover, you should also address the issue concerning the insulin and leptin resistance, which is caused by excess consumption of grains and sugars. In order to reduce the risk of a heart disease you should follow the instructions below:

—    You should eliminate grains, sugar, processed fructose, from your diet. On the other hand, your diet should be rich in organic whole foods. Therefore, you should consume:

vegetables- as much as possible

Low-to-moderate quantity of high-quality protein

High-quality healthy fat, meaning monounsaturated and saturated fat from animal and tropical oil sources. For optimal health, the majority of people need 50-85 % fats in the diet, which is significantly more than the 10 % now recommended.These are the riches sources of healthy fats: raw dairy, grass-fed meats, organic pastured egg yolks, coconuts, and coconut oil, raw nuts, such as almonds, pecans, macadamia, and seeds, butter made from raw grass-fed organic milk, unheated organic nut oils, and avocados.

Moreover, the regulation of the balance of omega-3 and omega-6 ratio is also really important for your cardiovascular health. Namely, those fatty acids stimulate the creation of the cells in your arteries that produce prostacyclin, which promotes a smooth blood flow.

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