80% Of Heart Attacks Could Be Avoided If Everyone Did These 5 Easy Things

Follow these suggestions:

80% of Americans are insulin or leptin resistant, so if you are one of them (hypertensive, diabetic, overweight, or have high cholesterol), you should restrict your fruit consumption. Take a maximum of 15 grams of fructose daily from all fructose sources.

In the case you are not insulin/leptin resistant, and regularly exercise or do some manual labor, higher fructose levels may not cause some serious health issues. Yet, fruit may still raise your blood sugar, as well as your protein glycosylation. Hence, it is recommended to eat a fruit after your physical activity, so the sugar will serve as fuel, and will not increase blood sugar levels.

If you are an athlete, large amounts of fruits will serve your body as they will provide energy and won’t be turned into fat.

If you do not know how to consume fruits, it is best to previously check your uric acid levels and then use these suggestions.

Diabetes Drug Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease

One of the most common diabetes drugs, Metformin, makes the tissues more sensitive to insulin. Yet, newest studies indicate that its use raised the risk of low thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels in the case of hypothyroidism.

If these levels are greatly reduced, they may cause serious health issues, as well as heart problems like atrial fibrillation, which may result in congestive heart failure.

Another study pointed out that the treatment of type 2 diabetes with glucose-lowering drugs may possibly raise the risk of death due to a cardiovascular, as well as other health issues. According to researchers:

“The overall results of this meta-analysis do not show a benefit of intensive glucose lowering treatment on all cause mortality or cardiovascular death. A 19% increase in all-cause mortality and a 43% increase in cardiovascular mortality cannot be excluded.”

There is no need for these drugs since type 2diabetes can be reversed without using drugs. The natural treatment includes the substitution of processed foods with whole organic foods low in sugar and sugar-forming carbohydrates, in combination with several minutes of regular high-intensity workout.

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