8. Superman Posture:
Superman posture is an excellent exercise to tone your lower body and strengthen the shoulder. The added benefit of this posture is, that since you are lying on the tummy, abdomen toning occurs naturally.
To Perform:
- On a yoga mat lie flat on your belly with hands raised straight over your head.
- Make sure that knees are not bent and the toes are pointed.
- Now at the count of three, take a deep breath in and lift your hands and legs simultaneously, maintaining the straightness.
- Hold this pose and count to ten. Now breathe out and return to normal lying position.
Counting to ten might not be possible initially, so start with five, and increase the count.
You can also increase the level of difficulty with more challenging variations once you get your basic superman pose right.
9. Clam Series:
The moves of the clam series are done to tone up the upper outer thigh which is the hub of saddlebags.
To Perform:
- Lie on your side and bring the knees and hips to 45 degrees.
- Keep the top pelvis away from your head to bring the bottom pelvis off the floor. This position needs to be maintained for the entire exercise.
- For the lift, lift your top knee up keeping the heels together and then bring it down without moving the pelvis in the process.
- Continue the moves till you feel the effect on the lower glutes.
- Repeat on the other side.
There are other variations of clams that can be done over time. The best part is that these can be performed anytime anywhere and even while watching your favorites on the television.
Lower body is a sensitive region. To avoid injuries begin with basics and then move to more challenging exercises. The key to keeping your body healthy also lies in what you eat. Working out without proper food habits will be a waste of time and energy. So watch out for healthy eating habits at regular intervals to get maximum benefit of any form of exercise you perform.