he vagina, a small part of magic happening between your legs, is an elastic, muscular structure which connects uterus to the outside world. Do you know? The part that we see in a woman’s body down there, that visible area is called vulva not vagina.
Same like you just got to know what vulva is, here you going to find facts about those super important but often overlooked and tabooed body parts, how to take care of them, and when to reach your gynec.
Break the labyrinth of lies and appreciate your body in all its glory.
1. Your vulva is not your vagina
Vagina is a muscular canal that runs from cervix to outside of the body. And vulva is outside visible body part that includes labia, urethra, clitoris and vaginal opening.
You should know this difference because it is empowered to understand your body part.
2. Not everyone who has vagina is a woman
Sexual organs are not indicator of one’s gender, and it’s harmful to assume so. A person born with a vagina may also identify as a trans-man or non-binary.
3. Every woman doesn’t born with a hymen
Hymen is a thin membrane that partially covers vagina and, according to primitive thinking , is a sign of virginity. But fact is everywoman doesn’t born with a hymen.
And even if you are born with a hymen, it can “break” while playing sports as a kid, if you are a horse rider, use tampons or underwent any medical procedure.
4. Vagina can tear during childbirth
Vaginal tear is a normal part of childbirth. 80 percent vaginal deliveries include tearing or an intentional tear (required incision or episiotomy) made by your gynec.
Is it scary? Yes, but this happens or done when baby isn’t in right position ( like feet first delivery) or his head circumference is bigger.
5. Quickest healing body part
Vagina is most resilient part of your body because it is supplied with ample amount of blood. After any injury like vaginal tears (happen during childbirth or sexual activity), it quickly bounces back to normal .
6. The clitoris has twice the nerve endings than a penis
Famously sensitive penis has around 4000 nerve ending and “hard-to-find” clitoris has double, 8000, nerve endings present. This makes Clitoris more sensitive than penis.
7. Vaginas are supposed to smell
Vaginas contains a highly specialized army of bacteria that work ‘round the clock to keep your vaginal pH in check. And like other bacterias vaginal bacteria do smell.
So you really need not to cover this normal smell with scented body or vaginal washes during your special moments.
Do check with your gynec if you notice a new scent which is odd or pungent.
8. Vagina is self-cleaning
Specialised vaginal bacterias has a sole purpose to ward off other hostile bacteria and keep vaginal pH in check.
It is absolutely normal to see, a thin or thick, whitish or clear discharge in your undies at end of the day.
Cleaning technique like douching can be a bad idea because it can throw off this normal healthy bacteria and causes bacterial vaginal infections.
9. Every girl is a special unicorn
The labia majora, lip like structure around vaginal opening, can be as little as one quarter inch or up to two inches wide. According to ACOG labia comes in all shape and sizes, that means every girl in universe has different labia.
10. Few people can have two vaginas
Yes, in a rare abnormality, known as uterus didelphys, number of people have two vaginal canals.
People with two vaginas can get pregnant and deliver a baby, but pregnancy risks, like miscarriage and preterm labour, are there.
11. You can get “wet” without sexual activity
Generally vagina get “wet” during intimation, right? But vagina can get wet for many other reasons too.
Vulva has high number of sweat gland and hormones causes daily excretion of cervical mucus. Also, vagina can automatically produces more lubrication when there are touched, regardless of arousal.
12. Vagina can grow double in size
Interesting? Yes, vagina can vary in size and shape during sexual activity. Normally vagina is 3 to 6 inch long and 1 to 2.5 inch wide, after arousal upper portion of your vagina expand, and make a room for penetration.
13. Vagina also change colour
Unbelievable? But yes, when you’re horny, blood supply to vulva and vagina increases and make the area look more darker.
But this is totally normal, it goes back to it’s normal colour after sexy time is over.
14. Lot’s of sex won’t stretch it out
Vagina is super elastic, and always come back to its original shape and tightness even after a lot of sex.
But be aware hard sex can cause vaginal tear sometimes.
15. You can strengthen Vagina same like other muscles
Pelvic floor is build up of muscles and same like other muscle you can strengthen vagina as well by lifting some “weight”. Doing kegels can also strengthen your pelvic floor.
Stronger vaginal muscles can make sex last longer.
16. Orgasm keep stress away
Having a regular sex or masturbation can help in reducing your stress and anxiety. Orgasm increases happy hormones and reduces stress hormone production.
17. Childbirth doesn’t stretch vagina permanently
Many of women are living with this myth that vaginal childbirth can damage vaginal elasticity and vagina will stay wide open lifelong.
Actually vaginal delivery can cause bruises and swelling during vaginal childbirth, which goes away in few days and you feel normal. After childbirth your body makes less estrogen which can cause vaginal dryness.
Although your vagina can stay a little wider than it was pre-birth, but you can tone pelvic floor with regular kegels exercise.
18. Size and Location of clitoris matters for orgasm
All people don’t achieve orgasm only with vaginal penetration and reason can be small clitoris located too far from vaginal opening.
19. Vagina can help you in cramps
Vaginal masturbation stimulates the release of “happy hormones”( dopamine and serotonin) which can help you as a natural pain reliever. Few people use vibrators to do so.
20. G-spot or A-spot
Are you obsessed with G-spot? Many people believe to reach vaginal climax one has to find a G-spot, but there is no anatomical existence of it.
Continuous touching on your front vaginal wall (A-spot) or your clit is a reason behind all oh ho ho! moments.
Vaginal surgeries are the most expensive surgeries around the world costing $1500 to $7000. And you probably don’t need it.