9 Simple Exercises to Get Rid of Saddlebags for Women

Saddlebags are often mistaken with normal fat build that occurs in fat women. So, foremost we need to know what exactly do saddlebags mean and how do we identify them?

Saddlebags build up on sides of your upper thighs, thereby adding to overall broadness of the pelvic region. If ignored first, these continue to grow and tighten like any other muscle in the body. It is then, that these get tough to get rid of. However, the good part of this story is, working out regularly, especially with the exercises meant for the glutes, lower abdomen and pelvic region, these saddlebags can be gotten rid of.

A point to remember is that these will not disappear overnight, nor will promises be made for a toned figure within 10-15 days; but a continued effort will pay off, saying goodbyes to saddlebags forever.

Exercises To Get Rid Of Saddlebags:

Here we provide some best exercises that effectively burn saddlebags fat.

1. Step Ups:

This is a very common technique to put your lower body back in shape. Thigh, butt and knees are benefited along with direct attack on saddlebags through this exercise routine.

To Perform:

  • Look for a heavy stool or block of such height that when you keep a foot on it, the calf and thigh is perpendicular.
  • To begin, stand with your back straight with both feet on the floor.
  • Carefully take a step up with your right foot and join the other one, standing tall on the block.
  • Now, put your right foot down first; left follows, bringing you back to initial position.

Repeat the series at least -30 times.  Variations can be added once the routine is continued for at-least 2 weeks. Make sure of wearing shoes to prevent injury on the toes while performing the exercise.

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