Ok, lets for a moment talk like a normal human being, for doubts concerning our natural needs. You’d presumably noticed that stool color could be different than “regular” poop color. But sometimes they come in a different color, correct? What does the color indicate, if it’s black or maybe green, red, yellow?
The little changes in the color of your stool are because of a diverse diet. We don’t consume the same food at every meal, and every day. Oftentimes a color diversity can indicate a trivial health problem. In some cases, it signalizes something more serious in your metabolism.
Before you read this, be aware you should consult your specialist if you’re concerned about your stool color. Especially if the color does not change for a few days or if your stool is bright black or red— this can indicate the presence of blood —check with the specialist immediately.
Green Color — means that the food may be moving through the large bowels too quickly, happens due to diarrhea. As a consequence, bile doesn’t have time to tear down completely. Cause: Green leafy vegetables, green food coloring, such as in flavored drink juices or ice pops, iron supplements