If you’re the type of person who scours the internet for articles like this, it’s probably safe to assume that you’ve got love and not lust on your mind. You always want love for yourself and those who are closest to you.
Of course, not everyone is going to prioritize love; not all people are going to place love so high up on their list of priorities. Not all people are going to consider love as an integral aspect of finding happiness and a sense of self-fulfillment.
But it would probably be safe to assume that no one would ever turn down the idea of getting a happy-ever-after kind of fairytale ending for themselves. Whenever presented with the opportunity, most people are always going to want to pursue a happy ending.
Now it begs to ask the question: when can we be really sure when the opportunity to pursue love in our lives is a real one? How do we know that we’re not just falling into a trap that is eventually going to destroy us on an emotional level?