After You Read This, You Are Going To Eat Cucumber Every Day!

Moisturize the body

Did you know that a cucumber is made of 90% water? No wonder it’s so refreshing, hydrating and moisturizing for your skin.

Improve your joints

We mentioned that they abound in silicon which strengthens your joints and connective tissues. Moreover, if you combine it with carrots you get a powerful anti-gout and arthritis remedy

Support kidneys health

Cucumbers lower the uric acid amount in the body thus preserving your kidneys health.

Digestion and weight loss

Since they contain very low calorie count but have high water content they’re a great addition to every diet.

Fresh breath and healthy gums

When you chew on a cucumber you refresh you gums and treat possible inflammations. They also contain phytochemicals that fight against the bacteria in your mouth that causes bad breath.

Improved hair and nails quality

They are rich in silicon and sulfur which are important nutrients for good and healthy hair and nails. They also stimulate their growth.

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