How is cinnamon good for you? According to a recent research, it was discovered that cassia cinnamon can lower blood sugar and cholesterol in the body system of people with type 2 diabetes.
They also claimed that cinnamon is a powerful natural remedy to fight free radicals and prevent cell damage to the body.
Here is the body detoxification Recipe
Drink this Early Morning and Before Bed
* ACV – 2 tsp.
* Lemon juice – 2 tbsp
* Raw honey– 1 tsp
* Ground cinnamon- 1 tsp
* Water – 1 cup of hot water
* Add fresh lemon, apple cider vinegar, raw honey and powder cinnamon in one cup of hot water.
* Then start stirring them. And make sure you stir them very well because these ingredients, especially cinnamon tends to settle to the bottom of the cup.
* Take apple cider detox drink every morning before you eat to flush out toxins and get rid of excess fat.
You Will Get Amazing Result:
Drink this detoxification recipe early morning and before bed for 4 weeks then the fat in your body is slowly dissolved day by day and definitely you will need smaller clothes.