Avoid Your Surgery: Recipe for Removal of Fatty Tissue (Lipoma) Within 8 Days

Lipomas aren’t very dangerous for your health, but they look bad and can be extremely painful. That’s why people want to get rid of them very fast.
Some specialists claim that lipomas are benign tumors and are very similar to cysts. Still, they aren’t equal and are usually confused with the cysts called sebaceous.
Even though they are described as tumors, they aren’t malignant and can’t spread on other tissues or organs.

How can we treat lipomas?

Many lipomas don’t cause problems and don’t hurt, so people don’t treat them. Make sure your doctor checks your lipoma by an ultrasound. If it is painful for you or you hate having it, your doctor or a specialist can remove it.
The doctor gives you an anesthetic by an injection which is administered locally around the lipoma. When the anesthetic starts to work, the doctor makes an incision and in that way, removes the lipoma. He / She puts stitches on the incision to close it.
If the doctor can’t reach the lipoma with a simple incision, then it will have to be removed in an operating room while you’re under general anesthesia.

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