believe it or not use frozen lemons and say goodbye to diabetes tumors overweight

Lemon smoothies have a bitter taste, so the following option, to freeze them, is the one we strongly advise. Therefore, here is how to freeze lemons:

Use apple cider vinegar to wash and disinfect the lemons. Then, rinse them and leave them to dry. Next, leave them to freeze until the next morning, and then grate the entire fruit, along with the peel, pulp, and seeds.
The frozen lemons can be added to various dishes, smoothies, tea, baked goods, desserts, and soups.

Saying that lemons are a superfood is an understatement. Not only do they add abundant flavor to a variety of dishes, but they also boast a ton of health benefits.

The flavonoids within the juice are said to contain antioxidants, which is why lemons are useful in treating so many ailments and conditions.
Juicing your lemons only will not give you the maximum of their benefits, so we suggest that you freeze them. This article will help you understand why this method is so great for you.

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