Garlic is an effective remedy against moles, but before applying it on your skin, you should protect the area around them with a masking tape or petroleum jelly. Afterwards, apply pressed garlic on the mole, cover it with a bandage and leave it for 4 hours. Repeat the process every day for best results.
Castor oil and baking soda
A mixture of castor oil and baking soda can also be effective against moles. Make a paste of the ingredients and apply it on the mole, then cover the area with a bandage and leave it to work overnight. Remove the bandage and rinse with water in the morning, and repeat the procedure every night until you see improvements.
Warts are caused by HPV and look like small bumps or mucous membranes on the skin. They are usually treated with salicylic acid and freezing, and some people even apply duct tape over them.
Here are a few natural solutions for warts:
Rub a banana peel on your warts every night and you will get rid of them in just 2 weeks!
Pure honey
Rub some honey overnight on the wart and cover it with a bandage – this will eliminate the warts quickly and prevent their recurrence.
Apple cider vinegar
Just like moles, ACV is effective against warts as well. Apply some ACV with a cotton ball overnight, then apply a new cotton ball soaked in apple cider vinegar after 24 hours. With time, the wart will start shrinking and fall off.