The reason that eating boiled eggs every morning is suggested for the breakfast 2 portion is because it prepares your body for physical activity. If you don’t have any physical activity right now, or if you’re too busy to get started, then a good way to prepare your body for physical activity is to boil some eggs, put them in a bowl of milk, add some fruit, and a few other healthy carbs and proteins, and your body is ready to go. You should be aware that this will only be effective if you do some sort of physical activity each day, as eating a large amount of unhealthy carbs and proteins will leave you feeling tired and sluggish after just a few hours.
Another reason the egg-based diet plan works so well is because it encourages a healthy way to cut calories. Since eggs contain the protein that helps your body to burn fat, they help you cut calories when you consume them. The key to cutting calories through the egg diet plan is not to over-indulge with the foods you eat. Each serving of food should contain about a gram of protein and just 100 calories, which means you can still eat a nice breakfast without going over your daily allowance. This way, you ensure that you are still getting the nutrients that you need while keeping your calorie count down.