How to cope with vaginal odor
Getting rid of vaginal odor goes beyond just making sure your vulva is clean. Even though some vaginal odor is natural, you may also experience some unpleasant smells. Your vagina’s odor changes frequently, sometimes with your period or after sex, for instance. And if you notice a stark difference in how your vagina smells, perhaps accompanied by vaginal discharge, it could be an indication of a bigger problem, like an infection. You may want to consider visiting a doctor in this case.
Once you’ve eliminated the source of vaginal odor, keep these tips in mind for future prevention:
- Practice safe sex. Use condoms to avoid sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and regularly check for STIs.
- Maintain a healthy diet. Eating lots of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables helps keep your vagina healthy as well as the rest of your body.
- Stay hydrated. Drinking lots of water during the day helps encourage fluid release and healthy sweating.
- Avoid douches and other feminine washes. These products can upset your vagina’s natural pH levels and do more harm than good.
- Wash your vulva before and after intercourse. Sex can introduce bacteria and other foreign substances such as lubricants, so it’s important to wash your vulva and pubic area before and after sex.