How To Get Rid Of A Painful Ingrain Nail Without a Doctor

  • Make a foot bath with cider vinegar

This trick is one of the most effective ways to get rid of ingrown toenails. Pour ½ cup ofcider vinegarIn a bowl of warm water and soak your feet for a few minutes. You can even apply this preparation directly to the affected area. This will prevent infections.

  • Place cotton under the nail

After washing your feet, use the dental floss to lift the ingrown corner of the nail and separate it slightly from the skin. Then take a little cotton and place it between the skin and the nail.

Choose a dental floss without fluoride to avoid burning sensations. This method can be a little painful or annoying but it is very effective.

Be sure to repeat the procedure and change the cotton every day.Also try to push the cotton inward each time you do a foot bath.Sometimes you will need to cut a small part of the nail to get there. But be careful, this procedure is not simple

How to cut the nail?

Normally, this should be done after a foot bath, so that the skin and nail are sufficiently softened to be handled.
Gently push the swollen skin back, then cut the nail starting at the edges and not the middle.Replace the cotton between the skin and the nail to prevent it from coming back and apply the following remedy to relieve pain and infection.

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