— Essential Oils to soothe Inflammation and Pain
Mix some carrier oil, like coconut oil, with clove, rosemary, lavender, melaleuca, (tea tree oil), cypress, to prepare your own essential oil. Apply it on the affected area, and you will naturally treat it, and create a natural environment for the healing process.
As we stated, sometimes you will need to cut the ingrown toenail, which may be a difficult procedure. Here is how to do it carefully and easily:
- Soak the foot in some warm water with Epsom salts or castile soap for 20 minutes. This will soften the toenail and treat the swelling.
- Then, carefully push the swollen skin back with clean hands. Do not push it more than the swelling allows.
- Next, cut the nail straight across, starting from the edges. Cut the nail from the sides, not from the middle.
- Then, place a piece of cotton between the skin and the nail, in order to prevent it from coming back, and thus give it another direction to grow.
- Now you should apply the recipe below on the affected place and secure it with a bandage.
- You should avoid socks and shoes if possible for some time to help the healing, and wear flip-flops or shoes which do not allow dirt to enter it.
- Change the cotton on a daily basis, or even twice a day, in order to prevent infections.