How To Increase Breast Size Without Gaining Weight

1. Exercise Right
Firstly, what you eat and the amount of physical activity you undertake in a day can determine your breast size immensely. One way to go about this is by exercising regularly.

The exercise routines you can follow regularly are:

  • Push-ups
  • Wall presses
  • Lifting dumbbells
  • Chest presses

These exercises build up muscles in your breast area, which can enlarge as well keep your breasts firm and attractive. One of the recommended exercises for breast enlargement is incline chest press.

Incline Chest press Exercise To Enlarge Your Breast
Adjust a workout bench to 60 degrees. Grab 2 dumbbells, lie on the bench, and rest the dumbbells on your thighs. Now bring the dumbbells up to shoulder height, with your palms facing forward. Press them straight up in the air over your chest until they are about 1 inch apart, then slowly lower them.

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