Identifying Estrogen Dominance In The Body And Treating It

Creating A Balance

Try not to consume estrogen from outside sources. Some non-organic products, cosmetics, and plastic bottles are such sources.

Flush Out The Excess Hormone

Constipation should be avoided at all costs. Drink enough water, eat more fibrous food and leafy vegetables. Probiotics will also help you out.

Detoxification of our inner system is essential. Exercise is mandatory and occasional sauna baths are also known to flush out toxins. Do breathing exercises for the lungs. A lymphatic massage will ensure a higher progesterone level.

Liver Is Important

Our liver excretes many of the wastes and toxins including excess estrogen. But only a healthy liver can do that, so supply it with essential nutrients. And stay away from alcohol and drugs. Take enough of vitamin B. Try not to overeat. Use natural products like milk thistle to improve liver functions.

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