If you happen to see this label on fruit, avoid purchasing it at any cost

What do PLU numbers mean?

When the PLU is a 4 digit number that may start with a 3 or a 4, the fruit isn’t GMO food but has been grown in farms which have used pesticides and chemicals.

A number 9 denotes that the fruit is organic and grown without chemicals. That could be the best possible item you could choose. Organic produce is grown without chemicals. But when the number starts with an 8, it is a GMO produce and then you should avoid it at any cost.

What are GMO fruit?

If you see this label on fruit denoting a GMO grown fruit, it means that it is a genetically modified produce. It means that the fruit has been genetically modified by making changes to its DNA. Such modification can be effected by inserting DNA of other produce or even bacteria to enhance the growth of the fruit.

Now you know what labels on fruit mean, you can practice caution when making your purchases at your grocery store.

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