If You Often Have Headaches, Low Energy, and Insomnia, Start Consuming These Vitamins

The best sources of vitamin K:

Green leafy vegetables: mustard greens, beet greens, kale, turnip greens, collards, and spinach.

Herbs like coriander, parsley, basil, chives, thyme, marjoram, and sage.
Salad greens like celery, onions, romaine lettuce, rocket, watercress, red lettuce, spring garden cress, radicchio, and iceberg lettuce.

Leeks, fennel, pickles, okra, olive oil, asparagus, soybeans, and dried fruit.
Brassica vegetables: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, pak choi, cauliflower, savoy cabbage.

Hot spices like cayenne pepper, chili powder, curry, and paprika.
Before you start taking any supplements, make sure to consult your doctor!
Also, it is very important that your diet includes fruits and vegetables! In this way, you will maintain optimal levels of magnesium and vitamin K in your body.

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