If You Suffer from Thyroid Disorder, Avoid these 6 Foods


Our body does not process these foods same as non-GMOs. When soy or corn or some other foods is genetically modified, its DNA is changed and the immunity will recognize it as foreign. It will react through inflammation which can erode the gut lining and cause other health problems like thyroid disorder.

Industrial seed oils

Vegetable oils like sunflower, soybean, corn, and grapeseed oil are full in polyunsaturated fats. Though the body needs them, these fats have been damaged during the extraction process done with chemical solvents and heat. And, when we use them to cook with them, they get damaged further.

When we eat these damaged fats, they trigger inflammation in our body and weaken the hormonal balance. They tear the organs and tissues and act as free radicals. Opt for healthier alternatives like avocado oil, nut oil, olive oil, oily fish, avocados, coconut oil, and pastured butter/ghee.

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