Keep This Plant in Your Home to Repel Mice, Spiders, and Other Pests for Good!

4. Marigold

  • Effectiveness: Marigolds produce a scent that repels insects like mosquitoes and flies.
  • Usage: Placing marigold plants near windows or doors can help to keep bugs out.

5. Eucalyptus

  • Effectiveness: Eucalyptus oil is a known repellent for mice and insects.
  • Usage: Growing a eucalyptus plant or using the essential oil can be an effective pest deterrent.

6. Rosemary

  • Effectiveness: Its woody scent keeps away many types of insects, including mosquitoes and flies.
  • Usage: Grow rosemary indoors or use its oil as a spray.

7. Catnip

  • Effectiveness: Surprisingly, this plant is an excellent mosquito repellent due to the presence of nepetalactone.
  • Usage: You can grow it as a houseplant or use the dried leaves.

Each of these plants has the added bonus of being easy to grow indoors, and they can keep your home free of pests without the need for chemical repellents!

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