12 Easter Crafts for Older Kids
If you’re searching for Easter crafts for kids in elementary school and beyond, these are a little more complex with an opportunity for creative freedom. I particularly love the no-sew sock bunnies – they are adorable!
Easter Egg Carton Chicks | paper, plate, and plane
Easy Paper Bunny Craft | Easy Peasy and Fun
Easter Pinch Pot Idea – Chicks & Eggs | Red Ted Art
Easter Bunny Corner Bookmark | Easy Peasy and Fun
Eggheads with Cress Hair | NurtureStore
Papier Mache Easter Baskets | Red Ted Art
Mini Popsicle Stick Chicks | Crafty Morning
Paper Plate Easter Sewing Craft | Red Ted Art
Pipe Cleaner Bunny Craft | Rhythms of Play
No-Sew Sock Bunnies | One Little Project
Water Marble Easter Eggs | Crafty Morning
Jelly Bean Jewelry | Marla Meridith
I hope this collection of Easter crafts for kids inspires you to find new and innovative ways to mark the holidays with your little ones this year!
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