Lemon Diet For Weight Loss: Lose 20 Pounds In Just 2 Weeks

Here is one of the most powerful Lemon diets for weight loss to lose 20 pounds in just 2 weeks that you can start making at home today if you want to lose weight quickly!

For the following diety to be successful, you will need to drink enough water throughout the day. Preferably 8-10 glasses will be enough to help remove fat and toxins from your body.

Benefits Of Lemon

Lemons are filled with powerful antioxidants and citric acids, both of which are known to speed up the metabolism and promote weight loss. Drinking lemon water on an empty stomach will help detoxify your body. Increase your energy levels, remove cellulite and increase fat burn.

The following lemon diet for weight loss to lose 20 pounds in just 2 weeks is very simple to follow:

Day 1: 1 lemon+ 1 glass of water,

day 2: 1 1/2 lemon + 2 glasses of water for the rest of the 2 weeks. Make sure that you consume this drink 2 hours before breakfast, 30 minutes before lunch, 30 minutes before dinner and 1 last time before bedtime for best results.

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