Never Marry A Guy Who Has These 11 Habits

Gives You Secondary Treatment:
It gets messy when one of the two persons is more into the relationship than the other one. It begins to fall apart since it is all about giving, taking, sharing and receiving, just like Joey said. So if you are the one giving your best to the relationship while he sleeps peacefully and does nothing at all, it means that you do not mean to him what he means to you.

There is no point taking such an empty connection along so do not marry the guy who gives you secondary treatment when you deserve to be the first priority.

Doesn’t Have Moments of Epiphany:
A man who constantly believes that everything he does is utterly right and his decisions can never be wrong needs to have a reality check. It is, indeed, c**** to force someone to change for you and should not be done.

But a person ought to realize his mistakes and be ready to make changes in himself accordingly for the sake of goodness. If he never experiences any moments of epiphany and never doubts anything he does, his cocksure behavior can be harmful for you as well.

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