Oncologists Urge You To Stop Eating These 8 Foods That Cause Cancer

Smoked and pickled foods

Generally, these types of food usually contain in them a lot of preservatives and nitrates that help extend their shelf life. Over time these chemicals build up in your body and do a damage on a molecular level and develop into many diseases, one of them cancer. You should try to avoid these types of food, especially knowing that cooking smoked foods under high temperatures convert the simple nitrates into more dangerous ones.

Farmed fish

This basically means raising many types of fish (like salmon) on a commercial scale in a crowded place. Farming operation is responsible for more than 50% of the salmon ingested in the United States and moreover, these fish are treated with many different chemicals that cause cancer, antibiotics and pesticides in an effort to control outbreaks that can happen from having so many fish in a very crowded space. Additionally, fish that are raised in this conditions do not have as many Omega-3 acids in comparison to wild salmon.

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