Oncologists Urge You To Stop Eating These 8 Foods That Cause Cancer

Potato chips

This one is a very popular food on a global level, but many of us don’t know that these chips are cooked in hydrogenated vegetable oil, and then they are heavily salted. According to a study that was later published in the New England Journal of Medicine, having just an ounce of potato chips on a daily basis can lead to an average weight gain of 2 pounds per year. The trans-fats contained in potato chips are responsible for the high cholesterol levels in many people, and it shall not be forgotten about the high sodium content that can lead to hypertension. In addition to this, when these chips are cooked in high temperature, they produce a carcinogen that is also found in cigarettes called acrylamide. Thus, if you love potato chips, try to make them at home by using healthy oils.

Hydrogenated oil

This type of oil is man-made and it has been developed in a way to have an extensive shelf life. Many people use this type of oil very often, as you may know it as trans-fats. Chemicals are also added to the oil to improve the taste and mask the smell. According to one study, the food that contains traces of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils can double the chances of contracting breast cancer. Palm oil, extra virgin coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil are all a healthy alternative.

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