Oncologists Urge You To Stop Eating These 8 Foods That Cause Cancer

Refined white flour

this flour has no nutritional value whatsoever, based on the fact that the refining process removes all the nutrients. This process involves in itself bleaching it with chlorine gas, and therefore, it looks more attractive to potential buyers. The flour generally is able to boost insulin levels without supplying the body with any nutrients. The body converts carbohydrates into sugars in a natural way. So, products with an excessive amount of white flour can unfortunately cause the body to build a resistance to insulin. Trying healthier options such as almond flour, barley flour, whole wheat or quinoa flour can definitely better your diet.

Microwave popcorn

popcorn is a very healthy snack but as it relates to the container, that’s an entirely different story. A chemical toxin known as Perfluorooctanoic acid or PFOA is often used to line the bags and it is proven that it boosts the chances of getting a cancer of the kidneys, bladder, lymph nodes and breasts.

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