Persistent Constipation
Constipation can have many causes, such as stress, irritable bowel syndrome, and other digestive disorders. However, doctors often consider persistent constipation as an early sign of ovarian cancer. Any sudden changes in bowel movements should be monitored closely.
Changes in Urination
Women who experience burning sensations, pain, or other discomforts during urination often assume it’s a urinary tract problem. However, these issues can sometimes be linked to ovarian cancer or indicate a problem within the reproductive system. Symptoms that are specifically suggestive of ovarian cancer include:
Pain or pressure in the bladder.
Frequent need to urinate.
Sudden urge to urinate urgently.
Loss of Appetite
A decreased appetite or feeling full quickly, even after eating small amounts, may be an early sign of ovarian cancer.
Irregular Vaginal Bleeding and Cramping
Some types of ovarian cancer can cause irregular vaginal bleeding similar to menstrual bleeding but occurring outside the typical cycle. Painful abdominal cramping, resembling menstrual cramps, may also occur.