The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice!
Our brain has a lot more neural connections when we are young. It absorbs almost everything that happens around us with a purpose to better adapt in its surroundings.
As we grow up it holds on only to the most used neural connections and it gets rid of everything that we don’t commonly use.
Our mother’s and father’s voice is something that gets integrated deeply into our psyche, it becomes our inner voice.
The way they speak to us becomes the way our inner voice speaks to us, the way we speak to ourselves.
If they are angry most of the time they speak to us, if they are harsh and cold, if they shout and yell whenever we do something wrong, that’s how we’ll deal with ourselves whenever we make a mistake. But as we said, we are all human, we make mistakes and that’s ok. The way you approach the mistakes is how you learn and overcome them.