Put Your Palms Together, and Pay Attention to This Little Detail

A custom practiced since the dawn of time, palmistry is famously celebrated as predicting the fate of an individual through the study of their palms. A thousand years ago this practice was limited to Bedouin fortune tellers or those following the faith of Hinduism. However, today it is acknowledged and performed across the globe.

An experienced palm reader will focus upon several specific lines visible on the surface of your palms, each of which has its own special and distinctive significance. One of the cardinal lines to look out for is the heart line, or more popularly referred to as, the ‘love line.’  One of the deepest creases, it starts below your pinky finger, right from the edge of your palm. It is a tremendously special line for it is known to hold the secrets to your love life.

Some palmists may choose to put all their focus on one palm, trying to decipher whether you’re lucky enough to hold a significant or deep affection in your fate, whether your emotional state is simple or complicated and even what is destined in your life post marriage. Another more interesting association, however, is to compare the differences in the location of your love lines when you happen to contrast both palms.

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